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Piotr Solowiej
Apr 30, 20213 min read
Exercise caution...on the internet
Information colors how people view their body, movement, and symptoms. However, one of the best things about the internet is also the worst.
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Dr. Karen Fernandez, PT, DPT, Cert. VRT
Feb 18, 20192 min read
What can physical therapy do for vertigo?
Vertigo and other associated symptoms can be debilitating. However, one of the most common causes, is also the most easily treated. The key
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Dr. Piotr Solowiej PT, DPT
Feb 14, 20192 min read
Pigeon Superstitions and College Pranks
The notion that two factors or events can be correlated, yet independent, is not a natural one. Our brains crave causality. This is the clas
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Dr. Piotr Solowiej PT, DPT
Feb 13, 20195 min read
When it Hurts to Move
For those that are experiencing persistent pain, movement and activity can be a constant source of strife. Logically the reaction is to decr
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Dr. Piotr Solowiej PT, DPT
Jan 29, 20195 min read
Did You Get What You Paid For?
Healthcare is a business. At the end of the day, making a profit is part of the equation when it comes to healthcare delivery. In order to m
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Dr. Piotr Solowiej PT, DPT
Jan 28, 20193 min read
5 Physical Therapy Misconceptions
One of the biggest problems the physical therapy profession has is that there is poor public awareness about the benefits of physical therap
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Dr. Piotr Solowiej PT, DPT
Jan 15, 20193 min read
Is Inflammation Good or Bad?
The good or the bad depends on the situation you are in. In regards to acute musculoskeletal injury, I will point out that inflammation is a
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Dr. Piotr Solowiej PT, DPT
Jan 2, 20192 min read
7 Reasons to see a Physical Therapist for Acute Injury Management
In order to minimize the stress and fear that can coincide with such a situation, IÂ strongly recommend seeing a physical therapist directly.
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Dr. Piotr Solowiej PT, DPT
Dec 9, 20182 min read
The Wall-e Prophecy
As a physical therapist in outpatient rehabilitations, my job is to work with people and guide them to find a way to enhance their physical
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Dr. Piotr Solowiej PT, DPT
Oct 3, 20181 min read
Point Out The Good
As physical therapists, I think we can get caught up in finding what's "wrong" with a client or patient. Sometimes we need to
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Dr. Piotr Solowiej PT, DPT
Oct 2, 20181 min read
Movement/sport with an injury
Typically an injury takes us out of the sports and activities we love to do. However, with an open mind and some modification or adaptations
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Dr. Piotr Solowiej PT, DPT
Sep 26, 20183 min read
What to do about those tight hamstrings...
These principles can be applied anywhere in the body, not just the hamstrings. If you're constantly stretching a "tight" area
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Dr. Piotr Solowiej PT, DPT
Jul 9, 20181 min read
Back pain and core strength, does it matter?
One common culprit, is performance trunk musculature - or core strength. This is often blamed as the source of back pain. And sometimes, it
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Dr. Piotr Solowiej PT, DPT
Jul 6, 20181 min read
My patients teach me most of what I know
When working with any of these clients, the most important thing to do is listen to their story so that their care can be individualized.
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Dr. Piotr Solowiej PT, DPT
Jul 1, 20183 min read
ABCs of PT: Always Build Confidence
Life is going to keep coming at you with challenges. Whatever they are, keep trying. Keep moving. Be anti-fragile.
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Dr. Piotr Solowiej PT, DPT
May 16, 20181 min read
Your rights as a patient (physical therapy)
If you're in a clinic or under the care of a provider that doesn't suit you, or treat you in a way that makes you feel valued - find
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Dr. Piotr Solowiej PT, DPT
May 10, 20181 min read
What can Physical Therapy do for me?
At Team Sapiens Physical Therapy we offer complimentary discovery sessions where you can come talk to us for half an hour to see if we'r
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Dr. Piotr Solowiej PT, DPT
Apr 14, 20184 min read
Is Weight Training Dangerous for Kids?
Anyone can instruct an exercise. Not everyone can do it at a level that ensures safety in the long run. Let me assure the reader that at Tac
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Dr. Piotr Solowiej PT, DPT
Apr 12, 20183 min read
A Major Milestone
One of the most powerful thoughts about last weekends course is that in order to initiate treatment for a certain condition, you had better
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Dr. Piotr Solowiej PT, DPT
Dec 14, 20174 min read
Co-Creative Coaching
We know what it’s like to not be heard. To receive subpar care. We know what it’s like to be stuck in a system organized in a way that resul
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